I will freely admit my ignorance. I had no idea that Lady Jane Grey was the Queen of England for a brief nine days. I had heard of her, and knew that she was a young lady when she was executed, but I didn't know the story – the intrigue that she wanted no part of that cost her her life. The story unfolds in short chapters, each narrated by a different historical figure from the time of Jane's birth, until her death at age sixteen. This is a great selection on audiobook because multiple narrators bring the various historical figures to life. As an added bonus, the multiple narrators help the listener keep all the individuals straight. Throughout the story you find yourself hoping that history will be rewritten, that this young girl, with innocent dreams for her future, will be allowed to live her life. Alas, as the tone of the novel turns from hopeful to menacing, we know what will happen and hope that it won't.
Thursday, July 15, 2010
The Lady Behind the Famous Name
Innocent Traitor by Alison Weir