Tuesday, October 11, 2011

Shiver by Maggie Stiefvater

Shiver by Maggie Stiefvater

Welcome to the Mercy Falls and the teenagers (both of the werewolf and human) variety. If you are looking for a paranormal romance I would suggest heading here instead of to Twilight. Granted, I’ve only listened to the first one of these, but the last book of the trilogy HAS to be better than the last Twilight book.

Grace and Sam are in love. One problem. He’s a werewolf and their time together is limited. In this version of the myth werewolves and made when bitten by other werewolves (with the exception being Grace for some strange reason…)  They have super healing abilities, they don’t quite retain their humanness when wolfish, and cold makes them turn. They turn when the snow starts to fall and they stay wolf until Spring.  Sam is fighting to stay warm and stay with Grace, but another problem with this version of the myth is that every werewolf only has a limited number of turns as a human before they never switch back. And Sam may be out of time.
Great on audio with a separate reader for Sam and Grace's part of the narrative.  I'm looking forward to listening to the next part of the story.