Friday, March 1, 2013

The Imposter Bride by Nancy Richler

The Imposter Bride by Nancy Richler

Lily Azerov is a refugee from World War II in Europe.  She makes her way to Israel and brokers a marriage arrangement with Sol Kramer in Montreal.  Upon her arrival in Montreal her fiancé takes one look at her disembarking from her train and walks away.  Thankfully for Lily, Sol’s brother Nathan steps up and marries her.  Soon after their marriage a baby is on the way.  When their child, Ruth, is a few months old Lily goes out to get milk and never returns.  When Ruth is six years old a rock comes in the mail from her mother.  The family now knows she’s alive but has no idea where she is or why she left.

Told in alternating chapters by Lily and Ruth we slowly learn the story of both women.  What happened to Lily in Europe?  How does Ruth deal with being abandoned by her mother?  This book asks a lot of questions, and while is answers most, I don’t think it completely answers the most pressing questions brought up in the narrative.