It all started in 1986. In that year 1% of the humans born had
special gifts, these are the abnorms.
One abnorm “broke” the stock market racking up a fortune of over $300
billion by finding a pattern and a way to exploit it. Another can walk through rooms without being
seen, conveniently appearing where others aren’t looking. Yet another can interpret the slightest
movements of your eyes and limbs to know what you’ll be doing next and even
what you’re thinking.
Cooper is an abnorm. He is also a member of Equitable
Services. He hunts down abnorms who are
using their gifts against the populace, these terrorists with an edge. John Smith killed 73 innocent people in a
crowded Washington D.C. restaurant years ago.
A new terrorist attack has just claimed over 1,000 lives and John Smith
may be involved. Cooper will do anything
to get Smith. Anything.
This is a really interesting
alternate universe and the author has written a great thriller set there. What would it be like to be normal when the
abnorms are so much better? Is there
still equality and can there be? Should
the abnorms be tracked and treated as “other”?
Should they be allowed to live their lives just like the normals? There are so many interesting questions
brought up in the story while Cooper is hunting down a terrorist and basically
having the world he thought he knew turned on its head.
There will be a sequel, and I’m
looking forward to it.