Friday, May 22, 2015

Crime Scene Cleaner (German Television Comedy Series)

Crime Scene Cleaner (German Television Comedy Series)

Schotty has a job many wouldn’t want to do.  I'm sure you're already guessed, he is a crime scene cleaner.  He’s an average guy just trying to do his job.  But besides being a crime scene cleaner he is a sounding board for the people he meets when all he’s trying to do is clean up gore.  He encounters a murderer returning to the scene of the crime, a hooker not realizing her appointment was cancelled, even a National Socialist Party member (basically a modern Nazi) wanting to discuss politics as Schotty tries to clean up the aftermath of a grisly accidental death.

By turns my mouth was gaping open with the absurdity of it all or I was laughing out loud.  There isn’t a lot of action, let’s face it the true action already occurred, but there is a lot of witty and truly odd dialogue as people love talking to Schotty.  They tell him everything and bring him into philosophical, ethical and political discussions as he goes about his work.

You need a quirky sense of humor to enjoy this series, I freely admit that, but I think anyone will enjoy the first episode.  It was probably the best of them all.  I it an elderly woman kills a home invader and can’t stop lamenting the loss of a couch the intruder slashed.  Many famous people sat on that couch and she grieves for it at length.  Too bad the intruder fell down the stairs and died.  Or did he?