Sunday, December 12, 2010

Tough Customer by Sandra Brown

Tough Customer by Sandra Brown

Looking for an edgy edge-of-your-seat thriller with a bit of romance to listen to? Look no further!

If you were a fan of the rough around the edges trash-talking PI Dodge from Smash Cut, you’ll be thrilled to find out that this book is centered on him and his estranged family. His daughter, the child he hasn’t set eyes on since the day she was born about thirty years ago, is in a bit of a bind. Her stalker shot and injured a male co-worker who was staying over at her lake house working with her on a PR pitch for a client. Of course the rumor mill is in full swing (the male co-worker is a married man who was shot wearing only his underwear) and Dodge’s daughter is under loads of suspicion from all sides.

Sandra Brown’s writing is grittier than most romantic suspense and definitely sexy. The thing I like most about her books are her villains. They are some of the scariest deviants I have read about and this time is no exception. These guys are so scary you are applauding inside when they get their comeuppance at the end. (It’s romantic suspense: guy gets girl and bad guy gets caught – I’m not ruining anything!)