Thursday, August 4, 2011

Iron House by John Hart

Iron House by John Hart

This top pick on the August IndieNext List (which if you haven’t checked out the website IndieBound – – why ever not?) has everything any great thriller should have.  There is heart pounding suspense, dark family histories, horribly dysfunctional childhoods and great action packed scenes.  Not to mention a new mafia boss, a hit man wanting to retire, a crooked (we think…) senator, an ill children’s book author and more.  This is one of those books you can’t put down because you want to see how all the factors the author brings together come together. 

I’m making this prediction here and now, John Hart is a name to watch.  His last book was great (The Last Child), this book is great, and I’m sure his next will be wonderful as well.  If you’re tired of series that seem to be rehashing the same storylines over and over (and getting their main characters in the same trouble again and again) and want a great standalone thriller every time try this guy.  You won’t be disappointed.