Monday, August 15, 2011

Love You More by Lisa Gardner

Love You More by Lisa Gardner

State Trooper Tessa Leoni has murdered her husband by putting three rounds in his chest with her service weapon.  She looks like she went ten rounds with Mike Tyson and doesn’t deny that she was a victim of spousal abuse.  But certain things don’t add up.  Like where is six-year-old Sophie Leoni?  Did Tessa go on a killing spree and murder her whole family?  And there are a lot of other things that just don’t figure and it’s up to Sergeant Detective D.D. Warren of the Boston P.D. to make it all add up.

I love thrillers where I don’t know what’s going on and I can’t figure out who is a bad guy, who is a good guy and how things are eventually going to make sense.  It’s wonderful when the author can leave me in that huh? state of mind well into her book yet still make complete sense when it all wraps up in the end.  Hence, my love of Lisa Gardner.  I discovered her only a few months ago and when I saw she had a new book out I had to listen to it.  This is one of those books that I kept bringing in from the car to keep listening to long into the night.  Which is why I’ve been a little lax with adding new books here – my reading time was usurped by listening time!