Saturday, March 10, 2012

Fifty Shades of Grey Trilogy by EL James

Reviewed by Cassandra, Librarian at Mary Jacobs Library

After hearing whispered conversations about this trilogy and listening to reviews on MSNBC and other news outlets it was time to figure out what all the fuss was about. At the time, the books were only available as eBooks but now that Writers Coffee Shop has reissued print copies I think this book is going to explode even more than it already has!

The nuts and bolts of the trilogy is the relationship between recent college grad Anastasia Steele and billionaire Christian Grey. Initially it seems like any Harlequin romance as they are the typical unlikely duo.  He is tortured and wounded from a horrible childhood and she is naïve, honest and caring. However, the story sparks and sizzles in a way that isn't found in traditional romances and has a deeper storyline than most romantica (the civilized rephrasing of erotica.) You are sucked into the turbulent world of Ana and Christian; figuring out what it means to be in a relationship alongside the drama of angry businessmen, insane ex-mistresses and deep family bonds. Read the entire trilogy - their story will stick with you long after you've finished reading.