Thursday, November 21, 2013

Parasite by Mira Grant

Parasite by Mira Grant

SymboGen has found the answer to all human ills!  Genetically modified tapeworms!  Yes, you read that correctly.  Swallow a pill with a baby tapeworm in it, modified to suit your needs, and voila!  No more need to take insulin daily for diabetes or worrying about forgetting to take any medications.  Your tapeworm will take care of it for you.  But what types of DNA are in the tapeworms?  What is the cause of the sleepwalking sickness that is popping up around the world? 

At the center of all this is Sally, now wanting to be known as Sal, who woke up six years ago after being declared brain dead.  Her implant (read: tapeworm) is credited with saving her life.  SymboGen is still really keen on studying her and her father, a colonel for USAMRIID, knows she may know more about the implants then she’s saying.  Sal just wants to have a nice quiet life with her boyfriend.  It seems like peace and happiness are not to be at the moment.

This is obviously part one of a series.  I assume it will be a trilogy because the author’s last great series (starting with Feed) was a trilogy.  I liked the action and the weirdness of the idea, but the “shocker” at the end really wasn’t that shocking.  I did like it enough to keep an eye out for the next book.