The Weather Station (Foreign Film –
Russian Thriller)
Two older meteorologists and a young
chef/handyman watch over a weather station in remote Russia. A beautiful woman and her partner arrive and
stay the night, planning to visit nearby caves in the morning. Soon after one of the men sends out a
distress call. When the police arrive
the next day everyone has disappeared.
The lead inspector and his protégé decide to stay the night, and possibly
for the next few days since the weather is worsening, to investigate the
weather station and surrounding area for clues.
Will they find out what happened?
Will they become victims themselves?
The style of this movie reminded me
of British crime shows. The action
flashes between the past and present; the time leading up to the crime and the
crime itself and the investigation to resolution. Both times come together at the end of the
film in a shocking, and satisfying way.
It is a dark film, set against a bleak landscape, but fans of crime
shows will enjoy it.