Friday, May 13, 2011

Chasing Fire by Nora Roberts

Chasing Fire by Nora Roberts

I learned a whole lot reading this book, not something I ever thought would happen listening to romantic suspense.  The main characters are Missoula Smokejumpers and I’m extremely impressed by these firefighters who jump out of planes in remote areas to surround forest fires, chase them down and extinguish them.  The danger these men and women experience each day is suspenseful in and of itself!  Add in a murder (or two), arson, vandalism and a stray bullet or two and the suspense is brimming! 

Of course there is a romance (or two) but the characters, the men and women who risk everything to save the wild, are the reason for listening.  I especially liked the accents the reader used to differentiate the characters, it really worked well.