Sunday, October 21, 2012

Mr. Penumbra’s 24-Hour Bookstore by Robin Sloan

If you love books, the smell of the printed page and the mysteries uncovered within those typeset leaves, and you also consider yourself a bit of a geek, either of the Dungeons & Dragons or computer nerd variety, this book was made with you in mind.  I know it was written with me in mind.  I devoured it.  It’s fanciful, fun and funny. 

Clay Jannon leaps at the opportunity to work the night shift at Mr. Penumbra’s 24-Hour Bookstore.  Since there are hardly ever any customers he can work on some marketing strategies for the store and in the process make himself more marketable for another job.  But as the weeks go by Clay becomes interested in the purpose of the store.  There are the books you expect to see, fantasy books with dragons on their covers and Danielle Steel, but then there are the books that the regulars borrow.  Borrow, not buy.  What is going on?  Clay is determined to find out.

Warning: This book glows in the dark.  So don’t become concerned about that strange glow coming from your nightstand as this reader was…