Wednesday, February 10, 2016

My Name Is Lucy Barton by Elizabeth Strout

My Name Is Lucy Barton by Elizabeth Strout

Lucy Barton is in a New York City hospital to have her appendix removed.  There are complications and she is faced with a lonely recovery; her husband hates hospitals and her young daughters are busy with school.  One day when she opens her eyes Lucy’s mother is sitting in the chair at the end of the bed.  Lucy hasn’t seen her mother in years, knows her mother has never traveled far from their hometown of Amgash, Illinois, yet there she is.  What follows is the weeklong conversation between an estranged mother and daughter and how that week has a great impact on Lucy’s life as a mother, wife and writer.

I listened to this book, but I may have liked it better if I read it.  I find it grating when adult children constantly call their parents mommy and daddy and on audio I cringed whenever it happened, which was often.  Also, the book is short, I like concise stories but this was the rare occasion when I thought it may have been too short.  I felt like I there was a lot I didn’t know.  I love books that leave you with questions, but I felt like there were too many questions and I didn’t know the characters as well as I would have liked. 

Don’t go by me, this is an extremely well-reviewed book and people who aren’t me will probably like it!